Performing Feminist Action
a toolbox for feminist research & teaching


At CCCC 2016 in Houston TX, the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition hosted the event "Performing Feminist Action," which featured 12 microworkshops that shared interactive lessons on old and new ways of performing feminist activism. This collection represents each microworkshop remediated into a multimeida toolkit. You are invited to participate and engage: click through, practice, train, play, and put into action in your life, community, classroom, and scholarship.


Jenn Fishman & Patricia Fancher

Action Rhetoric Project

Charlotte Hogg, Angela Moore, & Jazmine Wells

African American Feminist Rhetorics

Staci Perryman-Clark, Brittney Boykins, Rhea Estelle Lathan, Sponsored by the Black Caucus


The Art of Infertility Maria Novotny & Elizabeth Horn Walker

Composing Captions

Chad Iwertz & Ruth Osorio, Sponsored by the Disability Studies Standing Group

Glocal Feminist Histories Across D’Map

Karrieann Soto Vega & Iris Ruiz, Sponsored by the Latinx Caucus

Intersecting Asian/American Rhetorics & Feminisms

Chanon Adsanatham, Karen Ching Carter, Chenchen Huang & Hui Wu,
Sponsored by the Asian/Asian American Caucus

Spoken Words on a Digital Fridge

Danielle Roach, Megan Mize, & Daniel Cox

Surrendering into Method

Jessica Restaino

Using Hashtags to Hash Out Feminism

Christine Martorana


Jeanne Law Bohannon


Meet the Feminists behind the Workshops
Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition